PeliPartners strengthens its presence in The Legal 500


PeliPartners strengthens its presence in The Legal 500


Law firm PeliPartners is included with five practice areas in The Legal 500 ranking, which analyses the performance level of law firms around the world.

PeliPartners’ five practice areas included in this year’s The Legal 500 rankings are Finance and Banking, Commercial Law, Corporate M&A, Dispute Resolution, Restructuring and Insolvency, and Real Estate and Construction.

Madalina Fildan, Ioana Waszkiewicz, Ana Atanasiu, Alexandra Ionita, Delia Lepadatu, Carmen Peli, Oana Badarau and Francisc Peli are among the law professionals who received individual recommendations.

The Legal 500 is a ranking of the world’s most highly regarded law firms. The rankings are compiled based on feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, contributions from law firms and interviews with top lawyers, as well as a team of researchers who have relevant experience in the legal market.

„The launch of The Legal 500 ranking is an event we look forward to year after year, as it gives us an overview of our position in the Romanian legal consultancy market and shows us the level of satisfaction of our partners. We are glad to see that this year we have five of our important practice areas included in this top, and our team enjoys the appreciation of our partners also at individual rating level. We thank all our partners for the trust and appreciation shown,” said Carmen Peli, PeliPartners’ Finance & Banking, Commercial Law and Corporate M&A practice coordinator.

Carmen Peli, PeliPartners’ Finance & Banking, Commercial Law and Corporate M&A practice coordinator 

About PeliPartners

PeliPartners has a team specialised on complex matters that require innovative approaches. PeliPartners lawyers have been involved in some of the most important transactions on the Romanian market in the last 20 years. The team has a wealth of experience in a variety of fields, including mergers and acquisitions, financing, competition, infrastructure & concessions, energy, real estate, and corporate law. More details about PeliPartners can be found at


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