UPS Healthcare more than doubles the size of its Blonie hub


UPS Healthcare more than doubles the size of its Blonie hub

UPS Healthcare has more than doubled the size of its dedicated healthcare logistics facility in Blonie, Poland, creating up to 150 new jobs.

Designed to BREEAM standard, a leading certification for sustainable buildings, the state of art logistics facility has added over 17,000m2 of space and houses up to 23,000 pallet positions for the handling and storage temperature-sensitive treatments from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius to 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The facility is also supported by more than 300 specialized temperature-controlled vehicles that serve customers domestically as well as internationally to more than 30 markets including all Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, and the CIS Free Trade Area. The facility is powered by 100% renewable electricity and has an array of solar panels providing 50,000 kWh per year.

„The logistics hub in Błonie is part of a pan-European cold chain network that provides our customers with comprehensive, high-quality end to end solutions.” said Fredrik Jansson, Managing Director, Central and Eastern Europe, UPS Healthcare Europe. “We are proud that we can support the development of Polish companies and the communities where we work and live by creating new jobs,” he adds.

The Polish healthcare market is one of the fastest growing in the world, with an expected cumulative annual growth rate of 10% between 2022-2027. Exports before that period grew from PLN 1.2 billion to PLN 21.01 billion between 2004 and 2021.

Throughout 2023, UPS Healthcare will add over 200,000 m2 of warehouse space, of which about half will be in Europe. One of the newest logistics facilities has also opened in Poland’s largest Healthcare export market in Giessen, Germany, with 27,200 square meters and 30,000 pallet spaces to store a wide range of temperature-sensitive medical products.

UPS Healthcare has 217 facilities with a total of over 1.5 million sqm2 of cGMP and GDP-compliant healthcare distribution space in 37 countries and territories. Through these investments, UPS Healthcare will have more than doubled its presence in dedicated healthcare facilities in 2023 compared to 2020.

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