The percentage of customers making purchases with Mokka BNPL apps increased in 2022 by 211% compared to the previous year


The percentage of customers making purchases with Mokka BNPL apps increased in 2022 by 211% compared to the previous year

Mokka BNPL, Central and Eastern Europe’s leading Buy Now Pay Later, is emerging as one of the most popular alternative payment methods for customers in Romanian shops, both physical and online. Data from a study commissioned by the fintech company shows that in 2022 the percentage of customers who made purchases with Mokka BNPL apps increased by 211% compared to the previous year. The gross merchandise value (GMV) made via this alternative payment method also saw a 206% increase compared to 2021.

We are definitely witnessing an accelerated change in the profile of shop customers and of their preferences”, says Alexandru Balaci, CEO Mokka Romania. „On the one hand, shoppers want quick access to flexible and personalised payment methods. On the other hand, e-commerce has seen a major development especially after the pandemic, but the trend remains as strong. Technology is developing rapidly and offers development tools that cannot be neglected in fintech, while cash payments are in real decline. In this context, the customer preference for the Mokka BNPL is perfectly justified and I believe this is just the beginning of a profound transformation in the payment processing industry”, explains the company’s CEO.

The data from a study commissioned by Mokka shows that the users of this payment service are predominantly young people aged 23 to 40 years old. In 2022, the percentage of Mokka customers under 40 years old increased by 63%. Of these, 70% are represented by women, while the remaining 30% of customers are men. Additionally, the percentage of those who paid in online stores using Mokka increased by 52% last year, and the proportion of consumers who choose to use Mokka BNPL for purchases and then return for other similar payments increased by 48% in 2022.

We are pleased that in 2022, Mokka BNPL has expanded its presence across all physical and online commercial channels in Central and Eastern Europe”, says Marius Costin, regional CEO of Mokka. This confirms that we offer our customers innovative financial products that fully meet the requirements of the digital society”, adds the Mokka regional representative.

The company’s commissioned study reveals that Mokka’s most successful financial product last year is the one that allows installment payments over 30 days. The percentage of those who used this financial facility increased by 51% in 2022.

As the BNPL leader in the region, Mokka is available to merchants in Romania through all sales channels (online, physical stores, and mobile applications) and offers the most flexible payment solutions. Customers can choose from payment plans ranging from 30 days to 24 months, depending on their needs and the value of their purchase.

Top retailers in Romania have already integrated Mokka as an alternative payment option. CCC, Reserved, Cropp, Mohito, House, Sinsay, Irina Reisler, F64, Lensa, MegaDepot,  Rădăcini service chain, Bmall, and Humanic are among them, in addition to popular e-commerce infrastructure platforms such as Shopify, WordPress, Magento, OpenCart, Woocommerce, Merchant Pro and GoMag.

The number of retailers offering customers the option of Mokka BNPL payment is rapidly increasing, especially since the benefits for customers and merchants are evident. Customers want payment facilities, especially at certain times of the year (holidays, vacations, beginning of the school year, or to take full advantage of discounts), and retailers have a tool for loyalty and promotion of offers, which also helps significantly increase the average value of the shopping cart. In addition to these benefits, merchants have numerous other benefits, including increased conversion rates and reduced checkout abandonment rates”, says Alexandru Balaci.

About Mokka

Mokka is the leading Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service in CEE, operating in Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria providing online and offline financing solutions for merchants and their shoppers.

Mokka has developed innovative and flexible deferred payment solutions, offering customers the option to buy now in online and offline stores and pay with the most convenient payment plans, ranging from 30 days to 24 months. Mokka has partnered with over 1500 partner stores in the region across the most popular categories such as fashion, footwear, kids, electronics, jewelry, furniture, travel, and others. Merchants enabling this payment method experience higher conversion rates increased average shopping cart value, and a boost in incremental sales while strengthening consumers’ loyalty.

Mokka is trusted by more than 1 million registered consumers in CEE. More detalis are available on

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