The Export Import Bank of Romania – EximBank SA becomes
Exim Banca Românească SA
The Export Import Bank of Romania – EximBank SA will become Exim Banca Românească starting May 10th , 2023, a change in its name and logo approved today by the Extraordinary General Meeting of EximBank’s shareholders.
„We adopted this change because, although in over 30 years of activity EximBank has considerably expanded its addressability, the name still reflected a restrictive almost niche activity that did not reflect the real scope of work of our bank. Also the EximBank brand was set for the public eye as the < exporters’ bank>. Now that EximBank is a universal bank, after the merger with Banca Românească, we saw it as a natural process to adopt a new identity that would mark the extension of our portfolio with the retail activity. As such, we considered it important to make the change more visible, adopting a new brand that would reflect everything we are now: a new top Romanian bank, a reliable banking partner for everyone, retail or corporate, iexporters included This is, Exim Banca Românească”, said Traian Halalai, the Executive President of EximBank.
The new brand identity focuses on the fusion between the two banks, capitalizing on the notoriety of the respective brands – it keeps the Exim abbreviation adding the name of Banca Românească, maintains the well-known visual elements of EximBank and includes in the color palette the colors of the national flag (red, yellow and blue) for emphasizing the local, national roots of the bank and promoting the Romanian values.
EximBank is a universal bank, 100% Romanian, ranked in the top 10 largest credit institutions by assets. The bank offers its clients, both retail and corporate, a wide range of quality products and services, tailored to their needs.
EximBank operates a national distribution network of 83 branches and 26 Corporate Units, the latter ones being dedicated exclusively to companies, this network allowing the bank to be close to the retail and corporate clients and to implement various Romanian and European development programs.
Along with the specific components of a universal bank, after the merger, Exim Banca Romaneasca will continue to act on the state guarantees and insurance segment, according to the Romanian state mandate.