Alpha Bank Romania Full Year 2022 Financial Results Highlights: Solid Commercial and Financial Performance


Alpha Bank Romania Full Year 2022 Financial Results Highlights: Solid Commercial and Financial Performance

In 2022 Alpha Bank Romania continued to stand by its commitment towards its customers and the Romanian economy, despite the challenging macro environment while recording a solid commercial and financial performance:
• The net loan portfolio of Alpha Bank in Romania reached EUR 2.95 billion, marking a 13.5% increase compared to the previous year, while customer deposits exceed EUR 2.97 billion, growing by almost 11% year-on-year;

• Profit after tax reached EUR 33 million, reflecting both notable commercial performance and effective risk management;

• Capital and liquidity remained at elevated levels, significantly above regulatory thresholds.

In 2022 Alpha Bank Romania continued to support economic growth by actively participating in programs implemented by the Romanian Government: IMM Invest, Agro IMM Invest, IMM Prod, Garant Construct, Rural Invest and Innovation.
New funding provided to corporates registered a 40% increase while new originations towards SMEs saw a similar evolution. New origination of mortgages grew by approximately 20% YoY.
Alpha Bank Romania continued on its digital innovation and transformation agenda, with projects targeting both products and services offered to customers as well as automation of internal processes.
In December, the Bank launched its Digital Onboarding Platform for individuals and customers are now able to remotely initiate a banking relationship, open a current account, receive a debit card and receive online banking credentials. Alpha Bank Romania’s Contact Center capabilities have also been extended with Dana, the bank’s virtual assistant, offering various fully automated services.
During 2022 Alpha Bank Romania rolled out full coverage of its branch network with multifunctional machines (ATM 24/7 Banking) thus allowing customers to perform a wide range of transactions unattended.
In the field of payment solutions for merchants, the bank consolidated its position as a top player, with the volume of payments processed through the POS, Tap to Phone and e-commerce solutions offered by Alpha Bank recording an annual growth of 36%. At the same time, the Bank launched the first card tokenization option in the Romanian market for online merchants and integrators to ensure a safer and smoother payment experience.
In 2022 Alpha Bank Romania launched a new design for debit & credit cards, inspired by Greek mythology ensuring sustainability as all new issued cards are produced from recycled materials.
Alpha Bank Romania also continued to support culture and community involvement, while promoting financial education through a series of programs dedicated to pre-university students.

Full-year financial results
At the end of 2022, the net loan portfolio of Alpha Bank in Romania reached EUR 2.95 billion, marking a 13,5% increase compared to previous year, while customer deposits exceed EUR 2.97 billion, growing by almost 11% year-on-year. The Bank’s total assets reached almost EUR 4.3 billion, increasing by 12% on an annual basis.
Profit after tax reached EUR 33 million, reflecting both notable commercial performance and effective risk management.

About Alpha Bank Romania
Alpha Bank Romania is a member of Alpha Bank Group, one of the largest banking and financial groups in Greece. The international activities of the Group are extended, in addition to Romania, to the United Kingdom, Luxemburg and Cyprus.
Alpha Bank Romania is a financial institution ranked among the top 10 banks in the country, with universal banking operations. A systemic bank, with a national presence of over 27 years, Alpha Bank Romania offers a wide range of modern services and products for individuals, as well as for SMEs and the corporate segment.
Alpha Bank Romania is one of the financial institutions that innovated the banking sector in Romania, being the first bank to launch on the local market an application that transforms an Android mobile device into a POS terminal. It was also the first bank that issued covered bonds in Romania in 2019 after having introduced in 2001 on the market the first housing loan.


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