Alpha Bank Romania finances the purchase of houses through the “Noua Casa” (New House) program also in 2023


Alpha Bank Romania finances the purchase of houses through the “Noua Casa” (New House) program also in 2023

Alpha Bank Romania continues to grant „Noua Casa” loans in this year’s edition of the program to facilitate the purchase of houses. The bank offers the „Alpha Housing Noua Casa” loan with an interest rate of 2% + IRCC (reference index for consumer loans) and 0 commission for file analysis.
The minimum down payment required is 5% for homes with a price less than or equal to 70,000 euros, equivalent in lei, and minimum of 15% for homes with a price between 70,001 euros and 140,000 euros.
„This year we continue our involvement in the Noua Casa program, an initiative that remains important for the local market. Alpha Bank Romania is recognized for its expertise in mortgage lending, being committed to offer its customers the best financing solutions”, said Maria Bogodai, Director of Individuals Segment, Alpha Bank Romania.
Alpha Bank Romania offers a full range of mortgage products, with fixed interest rates for the first 5 years of the loan or variable interest rates, in lei or euro, for those who want to purchase a home or build a house. At the same time, the bank offers solutions dedicated to customers who are looking for energy-efficient housing, through the “Alpha Green” loan.
The bank also offers complete solutions for insuring the financed home. Optionally, customers can purchase life insurance and comprehensive insurance covering the risk of unemployment and temporary incapacity for work.

About Alpha Bank Romania
Alpha Bank Romania is a member of Alpha Bank Group, one of the largest banking and financial groups in Greece. The international activities of the Group are extended, in addition to Romania, to the United Kingdom, Luxemburg and Cyprus.
Alpha Bank Romania is a financial institution ranked among the top 10 banks in the country, with universal banking operations. A systemic bank, with a national presence of over 27 years, Alpha Bank Romania offers a wide range of modern services and products for individuals, as well as for SMEs and the corporate segment.
Alpha Bank Romania is one of the financial institutions that innovated the banking sector in Romania, being the first bank to launch on the local market an application that transforms an Android mobile device into a POS terminal. It was also the first bank that issued covered bonds in Romania in 2019 after having introduced in 2001 on the market the first housing loan.

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